Friends of Emu
The First Page

In The Beginning

Aussi Artwork

Emu Polls

Friends of Emu

Aussi Book


Here are some cool links to companies, bands and other stuff check them out!

Cool Companies
Volcom The ultimate Skate/Snow/Surf company
Burton Awesome snowboards and other snow gear
Mervin Mfg. Gnu, Lib Tech, Supernatural, and Bent Metal, 4 really cool comapnies owned by Mervin
Grenade Gloves A really sick company, started by Danny and Matt Kass and their friends

Other Stuff
No Quarter the band i am in
Human Flight Committee a talented local New England band
AFI yet another good band
TwoThirtyEight Another great band
Sparta a great band, containing some of the former members of At the Drive In
Norma Jean great hardcore band
Snowboarder Magazine A very good snowboard magazine
That 70's Show one of the greatest television shows ever the site of a good friend of the emus


All above mentioned links do not necessarily correspond to the views of every EMU rider, but who cares because did you really come to the site to see its links?